Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Blog I started about my life...

I've got everything from Tips and Tricks in my everyday life to fantastic Words of Wisdom my children bless me with.

This is my outlet to everyday writing and I have a lot of fun doing it!

Please follow along: Sorry Honey, the Keyboard ate the meatloaf and see what it's all about.

Friday, July 30, 2010

National Novel Writing Month

It was nice knowing you... those will be the last words you hear on Halloween eve. When the clock strikes twelve...on October 31, a new month begins! November arrives! National Novel Writing Month 2010 begins! Feel free to sign yourself up on a 30 day pursuit to happiness by writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Join the hundreds of thousands of others that will be doing the same thing! Join me... and find me: pati_blue in the members search. Send me a nano mail; or I'll find you just send me your user name!

Follow me on my adventure of writing this year's book. I will be partaking on a mission of a sequel to A Castle Inside.

Inside the Castle in the depths below a secret Library awaits. Valen and Sylvya become passers-by in the Castle of a thousand residents. Who will stumble upon the eerie library?

The wrought iron cursive letter from over a hundred years ago still sings a happy introduction to the cobweb invested dreary hall that leads to the condemned library. What happened there so long ago for it to be exiled?

Only November knows...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Self-Promoting 'A Castle Inside'

As I followed a friend's review of my book, A Castle Inside, on I found many unexpected surprises!

My book is now available on
Amazon's Kindle/Digital Version

I cannot tell you how excited I am about the extended distribution channels that Createspace has offered me. If you want to learn more about their self-publishing services give them a click!

Thanks so much for the reviews you all have given me so far. I would love it you took a few minutes out of your day and write a review about the book on any of the above websites!!!!!!