Saturday, April 10, 2010

You are cordially invited:

You are cordially invited to the Plymouth District Library for the locals author's fair!
Saturday April 17, 2010 @ 12:45pm.

I was selected to be a featuring participant in the Plymouth, MI District Library local author's fair. Each author will have about 5 mintues to do a presentation about their work, life as an author, and their share their path of how they became an author. I am very excited to share this experience with the world and have high hopes of showing everyone my self-published work A Castle Inside. This title is available for sale via and It is also coming soon to option.

I will have plently of copoies of 'A Castle Inside', to purchase. There will be book signings & more not only from me, but from the other featuring authors as well.

They are featuring fifteen local authors and each will be there to share their stories, along with their latest works.

My goal when this invitation was first presented to me in December 2009, was to have my next work in progress available for viewing I am very close to having the manuscript of my next work "Blue Sky Exposure" available for a sneak peek only for those that come to the fair. If you can make it to Saturday's event you will be able to view the manuscript and steal a glance at the upcoming, thrill ride "Blue Sky Exposure". You won't want to put it down once you start!

Please join us for an afternoon of interesting reads!
I feel very honored to have close family and friends there to share in my experience with one of my first debuts as an author. I can only hope that I have many more fun experiences just like this.

To reserve a seat in the audience for the fair visit: for a quick and simple reservation process.


  1. The Plymouth District Library is located off Main Street near Ann Arbor Trail. The address is 223 S. Main Street in downtown Plymouth.
    You can contact the library directly at 734-543-0750

  2. EEEK! I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of a huge lot of books to be delivered to my door tomorrow! is FANTASTIC!

    I'll have plenty of copies on hand at the fair for anyone interested in picking up a SIGNED copy!

  3. I had a fantastic time meeting other local authors and the fair yesterday. I will attempt to post my speech tomorrow (Monday) to see if I can upload it if you want to view it I would be honored! <3
